Logo Digitizing

Already have a logo?

If you've been established in business already, there is a great chance that you already have a logo. Maybe you made it yourself or maybe you had someone do it for you. This logo - your company's image - is critical for branding your business.

Lots of older businesses are relying on less than adequate "photocopies" of their logos to accompany invoices and letterhead. These images often look less crisp and unappealing to the eye at times. Why use a crummy image to represent your company? Printing a high quality advertisement or media? Use a crisp, vector image!

Let PixelProgression bring that logo to life!

We demand the highest quality for our advertisements, websites and other media. If PixelProgression is going to make a website for your company, we need a quality image of your company's logo.

Digitizing of logos is one of the easiest things to do and also the most cost effective. Even some of the simplest one-color logos can be made just that much more vivid with the use of a drop shadow, bevel or other visual effect. Take a look at some of the clients that we have provided with digital recreations of their own logo!

Logo Digitizing Past Projects